List of countries with the highest CPC GA 2018

List of countries with the highest CPC (Cost Per Click) Google Adsense Google Adsense - 2018 (GA) is an advertising program on internet marketing's most best to date, in addition to the given directly by google, the GA also provides payment for sure to the ad publishers.

The work of the Google Adsense system will essentially pay ad impressions every time a click is valid and ad impressions on google adsense publisher sites. For every time click the publisher's revenue will be different in value, it is called CPC (Cost Per Click).

For the determination of the CPC is the affordable factor depending on the Statute which is set up by the Google Adsense, here are some factors that affect Google Adsense CPC:
  • Visitor Countries
  • Ad types and sizes
  • The Mounting Competition From Advertisers
  • Niche Blog
List of countries with the highest CPC GA 2018

From some of the above factors this time mamang will share a list of factors which the first  "home country Visitors " which will show mamang along with the average value of the CPC can be obtained. Here's the list:
  1. United States (US) the average value of cpc 0.30-3 $ the maximum value of the cpc $15 ctr 2-3%
  2. United Kingdom (UK) the average value of cpc 0.10-2 $ $9 ctr cpc the maximum value 1-2%
  3. Germany average $0.40-1 maximum cpc cpc $11 ctr 1-3%
  4. Thailand average cpc cpc-1 $0.30 a maximum 2% ctr $6
  5. Japan average cpc 0.20-0.80 $ maximum cpc 3% ctr $4
  6. The United Arab Eimrates (UAE) average value of cpc 0.15-3 maximum cpc of $ $11 4% ctr
  7. Switzerland the average value of the maximum cpc-1 $0.20 cpc 3% ctr $6
  8. Italy average cpc 0.10-0.50 $ maximum cpc $3 ctr 1-3%
  9. South Korea average cpc maximum cpc of $0.15-1 $4 1-3% ctr
  10. Singapore average cpc 0.15-0.90 $ maximum cpc $5 ctr 1-2%
  11. Malaysia values the average cpc 0.6-0.60 $ maximum cpc $2 ctr 2%
  12. Qatar average cpc 0.6-$ 0.70 a maximum cpc 3% ctr $3
  13. The New Zealand average cpc 0.10-0.40 $ maximum cpc $3 ctr 4%
  14. Kuwait average cpc cpc-2 $0.30 a maximum 4% ctr $14
  15. Spain average cpc 0.10-0.60 $ maximum cpc $2 ctr 3-4%
  16. Ghana average cpc 0.10-0.30 $ a maximum cpc 3% ctr $1
  17. Zambia values the average cpc 0.05-0.30 $ a maximum cpc $1 ctr 4-5%
  18. Saudi Arabia value average maximum $0.10-1 cpc cpc $7 ctr 3-4%
  19. Turkey's average cpc 0.10-0.50 $ Maximum cpc $2 the value of an average ctr of 3%
  20. India values the average cpc 0.10-0.45 Maximum cpc of $ $3 the average value 3-5% ctr
  21. Cameroon value average cpc 0.05-0.30 $ a maximum cpc 3% ctr $2
  22. Brazil's average cpc 0.10-0.50 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 2-3%
  23. Netherlands average cpc 0.06 maximum cpc of $0.70-2% 2% ctr
  24. Indonesia average cpc 0.06-0.38 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 2-3%
  25. Bangladesh value average cpc 0.05-0.30 $ a maximum cpc $1 ctr 4%
  26. Philippines average cpc 0.03-$ 0.25 maximum cpc $1 value 3-5% ctr
  27. China values the average cpc 0.05-0.80 $ maximum cpc $6 ctr 2-3%
  28. Brunei average cpc 0.04-0.23 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 5%
  29. Afghanistan average cpc 0.03-0.15 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 4-5%
  30. Palestine average cpc 0.02-0.10 $ a maximum cpc $1 ctr 4%
  31. Oman average cpc 0.03-0.12 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 2-3%
  32. Average rating for Lebanon cpc 0.03-0.08 $ maximum cpc $1 ctr 3-4%
  33. Hong Kong's average value of 0.55-$ 0.05 cpc maximum cpc 3% ctr $5


Can be Seen from the many countries list above i.e. each country has a category of CPC (CPC) different from average to maximum value for serving Google Adsense ads that are valid in a click.

The determination of the CPC (CPC) is not based only on the country of origin alone but there are still many other provisions which must be considered as in the list of factors that affect the CPC above.