How Choose A Good Fonts for Blog

How Choose A Good Font for Blog - Font or Typeface - How to choose the best Font or Letter to our blogs instead of just merely to embellish the look of our blog. Did you guys there is some list of the most frequently used letters on the blog or website in General. Select a letter to blog is also the wrong way to increase visitors and can also affect the Search Engine Optimation (SEO) our blog.

The purpose of Blog or website is actually for some people is to pour out the contents of their thinking and not uncommon for those who do not know what font type using will not ignore the important part of this one. The reasons given may be to make it look cooler. Indeed not wrong isn't it? That was back in the admin respectively.

Arial is one of the letters or the most excellent font and is widely used by users of virtual worlds and blogger of course. According to studies ever done outside of the country, the reason why the arial font can be the best is because bentuj fonts arial is very convenient also when viewed and read. Another example is the type of the font verdana, Admin will list several Fonts or Fonts that are good for the Blog below.

How Choose A Good Fonts for Blog

Typeface or Font is good For Blog:

  1. Arial
  2. Helvetica
  3. Times New Roman
  4. Times
  5. Courier New
  6. Courier
  7. Palatino
  8. Garamond
  9. Bookman
  10. Avant Garde
  11. Verdana
  12. Georgia
  13. Comic Sans MS
  14. Trebuchet MS
  15. Arial Black
  16. Impact

In addition to the typeface below I show some of the factors that support and to note in your blog articles are as follows:
  1. Font Size
  2. Word spacing
  3. The Number Of Paragraphs
  4. Abbreviations and Abbreviated words

Well now, to the admin all bloggers, do you already wear the above typeface list for writing on the content you guys? If not, what typeface you guys wear? Please comment for the shared references in comment below

All this and thanks.